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Regulations for registration and participation in the regatta


The primary purpose of the “Od mula do mula” rowing regatta is not competition or victory, and neither is the mere participation. The primary goal is to revive the memory of a way of life at sea and the use of a specific type of boat. Therefore, any originality in appearance, equipment or rowing method gives a competitor a certain advantage in the form of a prize or some other form.
Gajeta, the boat type competing in the regatta, is in principle neither designed nor constructed as a vessel for fast navigation. This boat was built as a multipurpose vessel intended for managing overseas estates, which essentially means transportation of goods to the home port. It is a heavy laborer boats, not intended for competition, with hardness and stability as its main features.
For this reason, competitors are asked to observe the rules for avoiding collisions at sea while sailing in the regatta, but also to take into account the maneuvering disadvantages of this type of boat.


The regatta is held as part of the “Days of Lateen sails” manifestation. It usually takes place on September 8, on the occasion of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
The regatta is held in the Hramina bay. Taking into account the weather conditions, the exact starting point and method, as well as the sailing course, are all determined by the Regatta Committee on the day of the competition.
In case of unfavorable weather conditions, the regatta is first postponed until a later time in the same day, and if the weather conditions are such that the regatta cannot take place on the same day, the Regatta Committee reserves the right to delay or cancel the regatta.


The competition is organized by the Latinskoidro Association from Murter.
The Organizing Committee is composed of elected representatives of the organizer, co-organizers and sponsors.
The Regatta Committee consists of three members, appointed by the Organizing Committee.


Notice of competition is issued by the organizer no later than 7 days before the competition and it shall be communicated to the participants by publication in the media, on social networks and websites, by direct informing and in other ways.
Registration for the regatta is filled in on a special form, at the premises of the Murter-Kornati Tourist Board, no later than two hours before the start of the regatta.


Boats may compete in three categories:
LEUT – more than 7 meters long
GAJETA – from 5.30 to 7 meters long
KAIĆ – less than 5.30 meters long


The helmsmen meeting is held at the Starariva, Hramina, one hour before the start of the competition. At the helmsmen meeting, competitors shall be given the procedural instructions on the competition itself.
Only traditionally built boats (wooden construction) may compete.
Each crew may register up to 5 rowers (gajeta) – 3 rowers (kaić) – 7 rowers (leut), including the helmsman.


The boats shall be inspected by a special Technical Committee appointed by the Regatta Committee. On the recommendation of the Technical Committee, the Regatta Committee has the right to disqualify any crew whose equipment and boat do not comply with the regulations.


During the race, a crew which thinks they have been damaged by an act of a competing crew has the right to protest (flag raised by the helmsman).
Upon the umpire’s approach, the helmsman shall verbally communicate their protest. The umpire may decide on the sport and penalize the damaging party, or do it at the end of the race.


All participants in the regatta shall receive a Participation Certificate, and the top three boats shall receive a prize. Besides competition prizes, there are awards for promotion of main goals of Latinskoidro – originality, youth, experience and honor. Every effort has been made to keep the awards original (sails, boom, mast, oar, rudder, ropes, etc.).


Each boat and all competitors participate in the regatta at their own risk. The Organizer disclaims all liability for any damage or injury to competitors, boats or third parties, whether at sea or on land before, during and after the regatta, or for the consequences of the regatta itself.

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